Text: 609-540-2599

Beginner Kids Martial Arts Classes Enrolling now

Southeast Asian Martial Arts Academy (SEAMAA)'s Kids Martial Arts classes are a fun and engaging way to teach your child the important life lessons and the work ethic.
We love seeing our young students grow into responsible young adults!

We offer a variety effective martial arts classes with age ranges to give your child martial arts training while not burdening them with trying to do too much. Your child will excel in our kids program!

Give Your Child A Kickstart With Kids Classes From SEAMAA

Muay Thai:
Get your child involved in our Kids Muay Thai classes today!

Our classes for ages 7-12. In our Kids Muay Thai classes, your child will learn the fundamentals of Muay Thai while also learning discipline, and goal-setting, along with improving their strength, motor skills and learning bully proof self-defense.

In our Silat Kids program, your child will gain confidence as a result of our professional Silat instructors. This program will teach your child to stay calm under pressure, and learn the techniques and philosophies of Silat, as well as the value of exercise and education.

Our Kids Martial Arts Program is filled with education and fun

Our Kids Martial Arts classes are packed with great benefits for kids, too!
  • A great way to get your child passionate about physical fitness
  • Better listening skills that lead to great grades in school
  • Improved attention span and ability to concentrate
  • Your child's self-respect and self-confidence will sky rocket
  • We'll teach your child self-defense and personal safety